Amy Stenstrom, MS, CNS, LN 

My name is Amy Stenstrom.  I’m a wife, mother, and a deeply passionate nutrition professional.  I’ve had my fair share of medical issues but the traditional medical approach did not always serve me well.  Finding a practitioner with functional medicine training and a holistic approach literally saved my life. So in my journey to find personal wellness, I decided to become the unique professional that so many people need but can’t find.

I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health and Wellness and a Master of Science degree in Human Nutrition.  I earned the highest nutrition credential, Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS), and I am a Licensed Nutritionist (LN).

Because I’ve put in the work personally and professionally, I have found what really works so that no one I work with has to waste time, money, and energy on things that aren’t right for them.